A beginner’s guide to enjoying your dental implants

A beginner’s Guide for Dental Implants

Dental implants are a good long-term solution to replacing lost teeth, and are considered an effective modern technique. In our evolving generation people are now living healthier and longer lives. It is not unusual for people to reach the age of 80 or even older ages. Many, sometimes irrelevant of age, lose their teeth over the years due to decay,injuries,medicinal factors or gum disease and end up with partial or a complete set of dentures. This causes further bone and tooth decay resulting in total weakness of internal roots.When dentures become loose, gum tissue swells up and consuming food becomes problematic. The elderly make a habit of staying social, eat healthily and share happy memories with family and friends without having to worry about embarrassment when speaking or chewing food. As they value life at this stage, it is required to do more to improve their lifestyle.

Placing dental implants in Dubai has never been this easy. We at Montreal International Clinic know that you deserve to maintain a healthy appearance and active lifestyle.

Do elderly people qualify to receive dental implants in Dubai?

Yes, you most definitely can. Dental implants in Dubai are considered an effective procedure done by the Montreal International clinic for elderly patients and younger patients. Dental implants in older patients have the ability to heal with the same expectedness of anyone middle aged or younger. For concerning patients with Osteoporosis, which is also found common amongst the elderly, does not produce a negative outcome. Dental implants in Dubai can be placed successfully without bone grafting, even with bone loss.

How old is too old for dental implants?
The fact is no age is too old for dental implants. A reasonably healthy person with even a few years of life expectancy can safely and predictably have dental implants and improve their quality of life. There is no reason to let anyone suffer through the last years of their lives by loose dentures and inability to eat, speak, and keeping them from a vital and social lifestyle.

A Quick guide to recovering from dental implants
Dental implant placement in Dubai, is performed properly by our professionally trained and qualified surgeons, is a very mild procedure.

  • Post recovery from dental implant surgery is considerably much faster and stress-free than teeth extraction.
  • There may be some discomfort that will last for around 3-5 days which is effectively managed by a pain killer or NSAID drugs.
  • The dental implants will either be replaced immediately with a 24 hour recovery period on the same day, with a fixed denture or may be allowed to heal for 2-3 months before assisting the new dental fixtures.

A Look at modern dental implants vs. traditional dentures
Our certified dentists ideally recommend dental implants in Dubai instead of traditional dentures in every patient. Dental implants in Dubai are now the customary requirement of care for replacement for loss of teeth. Traditional dentures have the ability to cause irreversible damage to the jaw bone and suggestively compromise a patient’s ability to chew meals, and therefore should be evaded.

What will be the treatment procedure for dental implant placement?
The very first option is a dental implant placement of two to four implants to support the removable over denture. These options provides great constancy for the over denture and suggestively advances function and comfort. The second option is settlement of a secure prosthesis on four to six dental implants. The secure prosthesis, which is also known as a hybrid, offers more comfort and similarity to natural human teeth as it does not have any stiff denture overhangs or unreal extensions.

What are the benefits of dental implants in Dubai?
Our clinic assures that dental implants in Dubai allow patients to consume any food they want without discomfort and get the essential nutrition. Dental Implants effectively support any overlying teeth and avoid them from movement and accidental displacement. Furthermore, dental implants preserve the jaw bone securely and avert bone loss that could occur from traditional dentures.
Our professionally qualified dentists believe that dental implants in Dubai is a growing procedure with the necessity to Eat healthy, Live well, and Stay social, always.