Partial and Full Mouth Dental Implant Placement

Dental implants and dentures offer individuals the option of replacing and restoring the full form and function of the mouth. Montreal International Clinic provides implant-supported crowns, bridges, and dentures which are truly known as the next best thing to having a mouth full of strong and healthy natural teeth.


If you are missing all of your teeth, an implant-supported full bridge or full denture can replace them. Dental implants will replace both your lost natural teeth and some of the roots.

Apart from looking and functioning like natural teeth, implant-supported full bridges or dentures are designed to be long lasting, and are more comfortable and stable than conventional dentures, allowing a patient to retain a more natural bite.

Since, implant-supported full bridges and dentures will replace most of the tooth roots, the bone is better preserved. With conventional dentures, the bone that previously surrounded the tooth roots begins to crumble or deteriorate. Dental implantsintegrate with the jawbone and helps a patient keep the bone healthy and intact. Implants are placed in the jaw as anchors for prosthetic teeth.

Full mouth dental implants are placed in the following manner.

Firstly, implants, which look like screws or cylinders, is placed into the jaw. Thereafter, the implants and the bone are allowed to bond together to form anchors for the prosthetic teeth. A temporary tooth replacement option can be worn over the implant sites.

Thereafter, the dental implants are uncovered and the extensions are attached. These temporary healing caps, along with various connecting devices that allow multiple crowns to attach to the implants, complete the base on which the new teeth will be placed. The gums are allowed to heal for a couple of weeks following this procedure.

Depending upon the number of implants placed, the connecting device that will hold the new teeth should be tightened down on the implant, or clipped to a bar or a round ball anchor to which a denture snaps in and out.

In the final step, the full bridges or full dentures will be created and attached to small metal posts, called abutments. With good oral care and after care instructions provided by our Dubai dentists at Montreal International Clinic, the patient will be able to resume normal activities and smile with confidence.

Each patient’s dental implants are unique and the dentists at the Montreal International Clinic work with each of our patients to determine the best treatment plan for them.


Replacing one or more teeth can be achieved with implant fixed partial dentures (implant bridges), with a removable partial denture, or with a conventional fixed partial denture.

Implant fixed partial dentures (implant bridges) – Implant bridges replace the support that is lost due to missing teeth, avoids the need to drill the adjacent teeth and does not require a dental implant for missing tooth. The gap, gum tissue and underlying bone must be appropriate to place the dental implants.

Implants are placed in strategic positions to replace the missing teeth with abutments that are attached on the implants, and this will connect the final bridge (prosthesis) to the implants. First, an impression is made according to the contours of the abutments or the position of the implant. The bridge is then fabricated and retained by our dentists in place using cement or screws.

Implant-assisted removable partial dentures – This type of partial denture will use selected implants placed in strategic positions and connected to the denture by a stud screwed into the implant. These implants may eliminate unsightly clasps, reduce the display of metal parts of the partial denture and will increase the amount of support, stability and retention to the final restoration. First, an impression of the teeth and retentive elements is made so the laboratory can fabricate the final prosthesis. When the implants are stable and ready for loading, abutments can be attached to the implants. The abutments may be used individually as stud attachments or as part of a larger, laboratory manufactured super-structure, depending on the patient’s requirements.

Conventional removable partial denture – This type of restoration should be removed on a daily basis by the patient, to maintain good oral hygiene to the remaining natural teeth and the prosthesis. The restoration is made up of a metal framework, denture teeth and acrylic.

Conventional fixed partial denture or bridge – This restoration requires reduction of two or more adjacent teeth to make crowns that will be connected to each other with a prosthetic tooth suspended between them. A fixed bridge increases the functional forces placed upon the supporting teeth.

Our dentists at the Montreal International Clinics, will fix up follow-up appointments to look for pressure points or sore spots once a patient is fixed with partial dentures and make necessary adjustments, so that the device fits perfectly.

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