Laser Hair Treatments
For the past couple of years, laser hair removal has been the premium product in beauty treatments, with the potential to end a lifetime of annoying tweezing, waxing and shaving practices. But when an individual considers the long‐term commitment and the cost involved, it’s not an easy decision to make.
Our Cosmetic Dermatology unit in Dubai presents the following tips when embarking on laser hair removal. Check if you’re a good candidate ‐ If your reading this then it is most likely that you’re eligible to experience the wonderful benefits of laser hair removal. Technology has advanced over the years to cater to various individual needs. Women with light skin and dark hair have the best chances at success, as the laser picks up on the color contrast in order to zap follicles, but most clinics like us use different technologies that improve the chances at treating darker skin tones or lighter hair colors.
All lasers are not the same ‐ We are often approached by patient who think that laser hair removal is basically the same no matter where they go, but there are at least five major technologies currently available such IPL, Alexandrite, Diode, Nd:YAG and Ruby. They each offer different advantages and disadvantages, such as the IPL is very popular due to its versatility and lack of discomfort, but is not a good option for thicker hair. What works for you will depend a lot on your particular skin and hair type, make sure to call our dermatologist at the clinic in advance to see what they recommend.
Do your research ‐ Laser hair removal is a little more complicated than your average spa treatment, so make sure the person behind the treatment is qualified. Our expert often gives patient’s as much information as possible. You can check our clinic’s website or simply call them up to learn more about the expertise of our Dermatologist in Dubai.
Before your visit, don’t wax, shaving is alright ‐ In the run up to your treatment, avoid all types of hair removal that requires pulling out the root, including waxing, tweezing or epilator. Switch to razors about four to six weeks in advance. Make sure to consult our clinic to see what prep work they’ll want you to do.
Stay away from the sun ‐ Since skin color has a big impact on how effective the laser treatment can be, make sure you don’t tan yourself before the treatment. The closer the skin color is to the hair, the less likely the laser can differentiate between the two. Our experts recommend that a patient completely protects the area from sunlight 72 hours before the treatment. The area will be sensitive after the treatment, so the patient should make sure to stay away, as much as possible from the sun and use sunblock for up to a month or two, after the treatment.
Expect minor discomfort ‐ Having powerful lasers used on your body sounds rough, but quite the contrary, as patients describe the sensation as feeling like a rubber band snapping lightly on your skin, and machines that use a cooling hand piece tend to mitigate the discomfort overall. The bottom line is if you can handle waxing, you’re more than capable of handling laser hair removal.
No instant results ‐ Shaving and waxing will give you faster results, but they are temporary fixes. Laser hair removal requires you to play the WAITING game. Hair won’t disappear instantly after the first treatment, but it takes time and gradually falls out in the preceding weeks, and needs follow up visits but the results are long lasting and potentially permanent results.